Artist Biography:
Liu Ye is a contemporary Chinese painter best known for his colorful, stylized images. Inspired by Western abstract artists such as Piet Mondrian and Paul Klee, he often depicts young children standing before paintings and the Dutch cartoon character Miffy. Unlike many of his contemporaries, Liu’s work does not focus on the political and economic changes in China, but rather seeks to depict his own playful imaginings and interests. “Seeking beauty is the last chance for human beings,” he has explained. “It is like shooting at the goal; it arouses an emotion that is wild with joy.” Born in 1964 in Beijing, China, he went on to study in the mural painting department at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, eventually receiving his MFA from the Berlin University of the Arts. Today, Liu’s works are in the collections of the Shanghai Art Museum, and the Long Museum in Shanghai. The artist lives and works in Beijing, China.